Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Major Trends in 21st Century in ESL

Teaching students to be literate is a high educational priority throughout the world. Though this area is one of our greatest priorities, it is also one of our greatest challenges. The classroom environment has changed from many years ago. Teachers face the challenges of a large population who do not speak English and have high transient rates. For this large population, becoming proficient in a new language is a very difficult transition. This process can be frustrating and sometimes painful. Students learning a new language need as much language support as possible. Those who have taught students learning English as their second language know that any language support is helpful for their language acquisition. English language learner (ELL) students need a variety of language experiences. They need to hear language, write language, speak language and read language. Nowadays it is believe that computers and some other gadgets can play an integral part in providing ESL students with valuable language experiences as they learn a new language. Interactive whiteboards and iPad Interactive whiteboards are the most valuable digital resource in the classroom. hiteboards can be a vehicle to access online instructional and professional development resources and though tablet-style eReader devices such as Apple’s iPad haven’t been around for long, they’re already considered the second most useful mobile classroom technology behind laptops, according to some researches. Educators are incorporating more internet-dependent a technology in to their instruction, the reason of this is because digital media is a core learning support, nowadays it’s a core part of a teacher’s job. Smartphone. Another important technology used in classrooms is the Smartphone. Smartphone owners use them on the move to access information and entertainment such as music, audio books, reading, and for viewing photos and video clips. One-third of Facebook traffic is now via these devices used simultaneously for instant messaging, email and Twitter. The mobile phone application, or app, brings all the above to life in one self-contained mini-program. The growth in apps for communication, gaming and simple utility (finding the quickest route on public transport) is phenomenal. Apps are often seen as synonymous with the iPhone, which has been the leader in this area, but many commentators expect the Android operating system, which works on smartphones from other manufacturers, to overtake Apple. Apps have enormous potential for language learning because they allow for multisensory learning on the move: for learners to use chunks of time in a wait in line or on public transport. And because smartphones can store so much data or retrieve it via the internet, apps can serve as rich media dictionaries and reference tools. Technology used to improve: Verbal interaction Children need to be able to interact with each other so that learning through communication can occur. Computers can facilitate this type of environment. The computer can act as a tool to increase verbal exchange. An example in how useful can computers be for this interaction are computer books, these are interactive stories that appear on the computer screen as an actual book with text and illustrations. There are also a variety of interactive choices students can use to read the story, including: real voices that read aloud, music, and sound effects. The story is also highlighted so readers can follow along with the text. Verbal interaction and the use of a variety of language functions by English language learners can be facilitated by the use of the computer. The group's computer book reading environment fostered language development by providing an opportunity for verbal interaction. The use of the computer can be a useful supplement to the traditional curriculum of the ELL classroom by promoting verbal communication and the acquisition of English. Vocabulary development One way to use computers for English Language Learners is to teach vocabulary. Students need to learn vocabulary in context and with visual clues to help them understand. Computers can provide this rich, contextual environment. The computer also allows students to become active learners in a one-on-one environment. Computers can incorporate various learning strategies as well as accommodate a variety of learning styles. Reading There are several ways in which technology can be used to improve reading ability.. Most simple reading texts are also very primary in content. Older children may consider themselves too old to be reading such primary content books. Computers, however can increase the interest level for older students while keeping the text simple and easy to read. Another benefit of using computers for reading instruction is that the computer offers immediate feedback on performance. They also can provide added practice when necessary. Computer software and games provide many fun opportunities for students to practice literacy skills. There are numerous software packages for improving spelling, phonics skills, grammar and sight word vocabulary. When English Language Learners are learning their second language, any and all language experiences are valuable to assist in reading ability. Writing As demonstrated, computers and software can help English language learners develop vocabulary skills and knowledge. Computers can also help ELL students develop their writing skills. Writing paragraphs in a language that is still somewhat unfamiliar to students can be difficult. When using a computer, however, the use of graphics can make this much more enjoyable. Using clip art can also help students to convey their thoughts more clearly. To highlight, students have a lot of choices, such as underlining, italicizing, or changing the font size, color or type. Using a computer as a medium for studying grammar is much more motivating for a student as opposed to writing with a pencil. Computer-assisted instruction has been shown in a range of studies to facilitate learning in a variety of ways. Computers can be used to aide in teaching English Language Learners in core academic subjects, such as reading and writing. Computers can aide in vocabulary development as well as verbal language development. Ultimately, however, it is important to recognize that computers are not a substitute for effective teaching. Computers are a tool–they are simply one type of supplement to the regular curriculum in teaching English Language Learners as they develop their English language skills.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Analysis of “Eleven” by Cisneros Essay

Poet Maya Angelo aptly stated, â€Å"I am convinced that most people do not grow up†¦ We carry accumulation of years in our bodies, and on our faces, but generally our real selves, the children inside, are innocent and shy as magnolias. † Similarly, Sandra Cisneros’s â€Å"Eleven† illuminates the enigmatic journey of growing up through the sagacious eyes of an eleven year old child. As the speaker of this work asserts, the aging process does not eradicate a person’s previous self. Instead, it accumulates layers of one’s former years and creates a realistic portrait of one’s complete existence. Cisneros’s work illustrates mankind’s maddening, internal struggle as it ages in this manner. When life demands maturity, one inadvertently becomes the sobbing three year old, the introverted adolescent, or the awkward teen of one’s past. The speaker of this literary work, Rachel, embodies this frustrating process of growing up. Undoubtedly, Cisneros employs similes, repetition, and imagery as well as symbols and diction to characterize Rachel as she matures. The similes, repetition, and imagery utilized throughout â€Å"Eleven† vividly portray the speaker. For example, Cisneros illuminates Rachel’s development with the following comparisons: â€Å"Growing old is kind of like an onion or like the rings inside a tree trunk or like my little wooden dolls that fit one inside the other. † This illustrates the way in which each of Rachel’s years develops atop the prior one. As a result, she remains the quiet four year old who cannot express that the sweater does not belong to her and the three year-old who desperately wants to release a flood of tears as she is forced to wear the horrid red garment. Additionally, Cisneros characterizes Rachel as a child â€Å"with only eleven years rattling inside [her] like pennies in a Band-Aid box. † The randomness and disorder of loose change as it jiggles in its container mirrors Rachel’s internal turmoil. Each of the speaker’s eleven years metaphorically clatter inside her mind and struggle to become the master of her actions. Furthermore, the repetition of critical phrases contributes to Rachel’s characterization. Cisneros restates the numbers, â€Å"ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one†¦. †, to reiterate the concept that all of Rachel’s previous ten years remain a part of her. Interestingly, counting backwards from ten, a common juvenile chant, successfully demonstrates Rachel’s childlike character. Additionally, the repetition of the phrase â€Å"today I am eleven† reveals Rachel’s vehement desire to suppress the previous years of her youth which embody a maddening immaturity. However, the speaker’s resolute, repetitive assertion that she is eleven highlights Rachel’s struggle to remind herself that she is transitioning into her eleventh year. Thus, her apparently juvenile behavior illustrates that Rachel is a culmination of each of her prior years. In addition, the repetition of the phrase â€Å"not mine† further illuminates Rachel’s inner toddler years. Finally, Cisneros use of imagery vividly depicts Rachel. For example, she describes her with the following vibrant lines: â€Å"My face all hot and spit coming out of my mouth because I can’t stop making those little animal noises, my whole head hurts like when you drink milk too fast. † This creates the portrait of the teary-eyed, red-faced Rachel and connects to the reader’s senses of touch, sight, taste, and hearing. Hence, literary devices masterfully demonstrate Rachel’s character throughout â€Å"Eleven. † Moreover, Cisneros employs symbols and diction to aptly characterize Rachel. First, the red sweater serves as a crucial symbol in this work of prose. Essentially, this contemptible garment embodies the previous years that remain within Rachel. Cisneros writes the following description of this repulsive sweater: â€Å"It’s an ugly sweater†¦with the collar and sleeves all stretched out like you could use it as a jump-rope. † In addition, the speaker cringes as she places one arm â€Å"through one sleeve of the sweater that smells like cottage cheese. † As Rachel glares at this symbolic garb, its sleeves evidently illustrate the eight or nine year old child within her who enjoyed the puerile pastime of jumping rope. Additionally, the cottage cheese stench of this garment is reminiscent of the peculiar scents that a younger child may often carry. Furthermore, as she shoves the sweater to the â€Å"tippy-tip corner† of her desk, it hangs â€Å"over the edge like a waterfall. † As this expression demonstrates, Rachel’s emotions spill from her just as the significant red garment tumbles from the desk. Moreover, the age of eleven is a symbolic element throughout the author’s short story. This age is typically regarded as a frustrating period positioned between the adolescent and teen years. Similarly, Rachel remains trapped between the maturity of her eleventh year and the juvenility of her previous self. For example, Rachel’s eleven year old mind recognizes the blatant injustice of Mrs. Price’s actions who forces her to accept the contemptible red sweater. However, as Rachel opens her mouth, her four year old self stutters an ineffective denial. In addition, the diction of this work contributes to the author’s portrayal of Rachel. Cisneros writes in the simple speech of a young girl. For instance, Rachel utilizes run-on sentences and childlike phrases such as â€Å"not mine,† â€Å"tippy-tip,† â€Å"all itchy,† and â€Å"that stupid Phyllis Lopez. † This deliberate style reminds the reader that Rachel is a little girl despite her wish to be â€Å"one hundred and two. † Also, â€Å"one hundred and two† exhibits typical childish exaggeration. Additionally, the author’s diction allows readers to experience thisgh situation from the perspective of an eleven year old. For instance, Cisneros describes Rachel’s indignation with the following lines: â€Å"That stupid Phyllis Lopez, who is even dumber than Sylvia Saldivar, says she remembers the red sweater is hers. I take it off right away and give it to her, only Mrs. Price pretends like everything’s okay. † This amplification of the incident allows readers to grasp the traumatic impact of this event on Rachel. Therefore, the symbols and diction of â€Å"Eleven† aptly depict Rachel’s character. Unquestionably, literary devices such as similes, repetition, imagery, symbols, and diction deftly contribute to the characterization of Rachel. Cisneros draws an enlightening parallel between development and the formation of layers within an onion or tree. Additionally, the repetition of childlike phrases such as â€Å"not mine† demonstrates that each of Rachel’s prior years remains within her as she matures. Also, the brilliant imagery of this literary work solidifies the reader’s visualization of Rachel. Moreover, the symbolic red sweater as well as the age of eleven further corroborates this central message. Finally, the puerile diction of this writing masterfully allows readers to comprehend the conflict that Rachel experiences in the tween year of eleven. Certainly, Cisneros effectively illustrates Rachel’s disillusionment as she realizes that she can neither make her voice be heard nor silence her childlike instincts at age eleven.

History of Ancient Philosophy Paper Essay

Recall that at Apology 37d, â€Å"It would be a fine life for me, indeed, a man of my age, to go into exile and spend his life exchanging one city for another, because he’s always being expelled (C. D. C. Reeve, P-Apology 37d)† Admittedly, Socrates could probably have avoided death by recommending exile if he wanted to, but he chose not to do so. Then, what exactly, was in his mind? After having been sentenced to death, Socrates was sleeping in his prison cell awaiting his execution. Early in the morning, Crito visits Socrates and attempts to persuade him to escape the city before the execution. If we look into their dialogues, Socrates suggests examining whether he should do what Crito advises or not, defining himself as â€Å"a person who listens to nothing within him but the argument that on rational reflection seems best to him† (C. D. C. Reeve, P-Crito 46b). Here, Socrates seems to claim that he does not know anything, so will choose to do what appears to be the best to him through examining. Socrates uses this unique method of examining throughout the books of Apology, Crito and Republic by continuously questioning to figure out what seems the best. Then, the question is, what does he mean by â€Å"best† in the statement? I argue that it is neither his life nor his family, but what is just or justice. It seems to me that Socrates’ statement at Crito 46b reflects his personal philosophy that one should examine his action whether it is just or unjust before performing it. According to Socrates, one should perform the action that is just and should not perform if it is an unjust action after examining. A great example demonstrating this point can be found in Apology, where Socrates states â€Å"You’re not thinking straight, sir, if you think that a man who’s any use at all should give any opposing weight to the risk of living or dying, instead of looking to this alone whenever he does anything: whether his actions are just or unjust, the deeds of a good or bad man (C. D. C. Reeve, P-Apology 28b). † This passage clearly demonstrates Socrates’ character and personal philosophy. Socrates was a person who examines and chooses to do what is just even if the consequence of it were catastrophic—even death. In this passage, even in the situation of his own life at stake, Socrates argues that a man who’s any use at all, or I interpret this as a wise man, should not worry about life or death, but should examine what is just before performing an action; that is, the determining factor of performing an action should be based on what is just but nothing else. It seems to me that he could have avoided death if he does not say what he does in the passage. However, he is the person who is persuaded by nothing within himself but the argument that appears to be the best to him, which is justice, as he states at Crito 46b. Therefore, he chooses to do what is just at the court regardless of the consequence of it as he does so as well later after the sentence. Another great example that demonstrates Socrates’ point would be the passage at Crito 54c. In this passage, he also reflects his personal philosophy that one should examine himself before performing an action and should not perform it if it is an unjust action. â€Å"†¦Don’t put a higher value on children, on life, or on anything else than on what’s just†¦. suppose you return injustice for injustice and bad treatment for bad treatment in that shameful way, breaking your agreements and commitments with us and doing bad things to those whom you should least of all treat in that way†¦ (C. D. C. Reeve, P-Crito 54c)† Once again, it seems that Socrates emphasizes that doing what is just is the highest value in life. Undauntedly loyal to his moral principles, Socrates refuses to leave Athens because he believed that it would be not only contrary to his moral principles, but also unjust to the city. In fact, he believed that it is just in him to awaken the sleeping city, and to convince people what is truly important— justice. It seems clear to me that Socrates’ main concern was to examine himself before his action and perform what is just as he confesses at Crito 54d as follows: â€Å"That, Crito, my dear friend, is what I seem to hear them saying, you may be sure. † Therefore, he listens to what seems best to him and does not escape the city. However, it is questionable to me that if it is just to follow unjust laws. I am tempted to think that it would be more just to fight for just laws than merely to follow unjust laws because when I think of the holocaust victims, I do not think of them as just people, but merely unfair victims of injustice. Despite this, I think that his faithfulness to what he believed to be just is truly admirable. In my speculative opinion, being so enthusiastic to know the truth, Socrates, maybe and only maybe, wanted to know what it is after his death and to free his soul in best condition. Or, maybe he wanted to teach that what he believed to be just is more important than his life. Overall, Socrates suggests that life is worth living only if one does the just actions through the philosophical process of examining himself. I find that his character is very inspiring because doing what is just regardless of its consequences takes a great deal of courage. Work Cited Reeve, C. D. C. A Plato reader: eight essential dialogues. Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Pub. Co. , 2012. Print.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Accounting managerial control CASE STUDY---Apple company Essay

Accounting managerial control CASE STUDY---Apple company - Essay Example e forces that he has described are: a) Threat of new entrants, b) Determinant of buying power, c) Threat of substitutes, d) Determinants of supplier power, and e) Rivalry among the firms. There are several threats in terms of new entrants. This is majorly because the industry is open to a number of players to come in and launch newer products with higher technology each day. Over the years there have been several companies that have tried to build their own operating systems however the market has become an Oligopoly with just Apple and Microsoft. These two form the biggest giants in the industry and this only face a threat among themselves. It is also to be noted to the barriers to entry in this market is relatively quite low and this is why the level of threat of new entrants would be very low for Apple. As seen in the case there is also a number of new entrants in the computer industry, however there are only a few well established brands here which include, IBM, Apple, and Microsoft. These form a strong barrier to entry for the smaller firms and hence the threat of new entrants is lesser. The threat of new entrants in this market is also relatively low since it d oes need high levels of capitals and also strong distribution channels. Also the companies will only be able to survive these markets if they produce based on economies of scale. This can only be done if the company has enough investments to be able to produce at higher levels. Hence the threat can be considered to be ‘LOW’. Looking at this in a strategic perspective it is seen that although Apple is a computer company has moved into the music and videos software successfully. Apple has used the technology available and has been able to create a very strong brand image for itself. The company has been known for the use of technology and excellent branding. The company has been able to create a strong image which forms a major reason for the success of the company. If the company is considered as

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Property Law&Practice 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Property Law&Practice 2 - Coursework Example The main reason that leads to the formulation of part II of the agreement was to bring protection to the business tenants. A business tenant having protection by the act will not get any eviction simply by the receipt of notification to relinquish the house, or by the lapse of a fixed term of the tenancy evacuate the room or building. It is stipulated that the landlord, in consideration to evacuate the tenant, has to serve the tenant with an evacuation notice. The tenant, on the other hand, has to respond to, before any action including eviction can be carried out. On the same note, part II of the same act is applicable to the tenancy where the property being used obtains the protection. The act talks of an inclusion of the premises which includes those occupied by the tenant for the use of the business carried out by that tenant. The purpose might be for the specified business, or any other businesses carried out by the tenant. The act has some exceptions such as the one seen in S.4 3., for the company to improve that all the tenants take a lease period of more than six months. This is already applicable to all the tenants to ABC. The act does not provide a cover from the leases less than six months and have no scope for renewal. Even though both parties involved can agree on not to be covered, it is important to note that having a cover is very important, both to the business and its tenants, as well. Additionally, the tenancy that is granted by purpose of engagement by the guarantor has to be covered. Additionally, a tenancy that has obtained a grant by reason of occupation by the grantor gets excluded from the Act. This holds as long as there is clear agreement that states the purpose for which the tenancy exists. The condition of leasing of the building hall to the tenant who will then lease individual rooms to other businesses may prove productive in the long run. The tenant should take advantage of the fortification offered through the act. As a letting c ompany, the houses should be left under the control of the management. This will ensure maximum returns on the investment carried out. For ABC Company to make significant progress, it has to get a timely and accurate performance of the assets. It should also ensure that it gets market information relating to other people who deal in the same businesses. Any successful investor has to make sure that it embraces core assets management strategies. This has a pivotal role in ensuring that they make better investment decisions. They can also see to it that critical staff gets freed, and those left to manage the property do it diligent and efficiently. It is a common undertaking nowadays that most businesses experience fluctuating business cycles. This problem gets compounded by credit contractors and limited liquidity. Therefore, the company should seek accounting and finance services relating to the following scales; account receivable, Corporate Accounting/General Ledger, account payab le, portfolio accounting, as well as fund accounting. To avoid the risk incurred by fluctuations in business, ABC Ltd has to make sure that the terms of leases to do not rely on the profits and losses of the tenants. There are several ways that the property investment can be maximized. They include the following 1 Exit strategy: even though the business has already acquired the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Issues And Features Of The Audit Process Term Paper

Issues And Features Of The Audit Process - Term Paper Example Independent auditing is encouraged in organizations in order to protect the potential investors and shareholders from any misrepresentation of the financial statement or fraudulent claims that are often made in the public companies (Gray and Manson, 2008: 98). Moreover, after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) introduced in 2002, the appointment of the independent auditor becomes mandatory for improving the auditing and accounting procedure. Many organizations are seen to appoint independent auditors, who are certified public accountants, responsible for checking their business transactions and financial records, yet not being affiliated with it (Singleton, T.W., and Singleton, A.J., 2010: 13). However, independent auditing is seen to suffer from a large number of threats such as intimidation threat, trust or familiarity threat, advocacy threat, management threat, self-review threat and self-interest threat. Therefore, safeguarding the independence of the auditors becomes a major area of c oncern. This report focuses on the safeguards for the independence of auditors. Safeguards to save the Independence of the Auditors On recognizing the significant threat of independence in the auditing process, the organization must decide on some safeguards in order to save the auditors. Some of the approaches that are considered by organizations are as follows: Mandatory rotation in the auditor: In a case where an external auditor is serving a particular client for many years, they often end up building relationships with their clients, which make them less skeptical about their work than that they would have been otherwise. The SOX Act has made it mandatory for the public company, who is the partner-in-charge, to rotate their auditors, at least every five years. However, for non-public companies, there are no such requirements for rotation of auditors.

Friday, July 26, 2019

International Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 9000 words

International Community - Essay Example From the appalling crackdown on the visionary expectation of the ardent student protesters some16 years ago to the subsequent repression of all political dissidence, Communist leaders have time and again tended to reassert a blind obeisance to a dogged system of harsh and mechanical one-party rule. Equally alarming is the ostentatious display of military power in response to Taiwanese aspirations for independence over the last two decades, along with the troubling detection of furtive deliveries of military know-how to unstable areas in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, and South Asia. These measures scarcely serve to improve international confidence in the Chinese bid for a responsible position on the world stage of the new century. Admittedly China has recently begun to evince a new, less menacing and forward-looking stance toward proving itself as a responsible collaborator in global interaction as the nation begins to assume a substantial position in the world economy. By assisting in negotiations on the Korean Peninsula, China, in effect, was able to take advantage of her influence in the region in the service of broader international concerns. Domestically, the People's Republic of China has taken steps to free a token number of leading political dissidents in response to Western appeals, and, in diverse rural villages, elections for local leaders have been authorized. Chinese rulers also seem to be dealing moderately with the lately re-annexed regions of Hong Kong and Macau, and so far seem to be restricting intimidation tactics to verbal posturing and a display of military muscle in response to Taiwanese desires for independence.1 It is possible that the menace that some perceive in China as an up-and-co ming superpower with overall goals that threaten American wellbeing and commerce, might, in truth, be an emerging new Chinese generation: a forthright forward-looking dynamic keenly aware that the future depends on a critical modification of policies from the worn-out revolutionary era in the interest of asserting China's rightful place in the broader scheme of a world growing ever more and more interdependent. At least one Chinese insider seems to believe so. From his years spent in the People's Republic as a Red Guard during the infamous Cultural Revolution, Professor Chen Jian brings a quite singular experience and personal familiarity to his study. He is able to appraise the foreign-policy proclivities of the People's Republic from the perspective of an insider seeped in Chinese history. Jian's assessment reflects on much more constrained Chinese objectives than those that bother many outside critics. As a country bent in earnest on certifying for itself a leading role in the global community, Chinese decision makers are certainly cognizant of the imperative to appreciably accommodate current national policies in apparent deference to international standards.2 According to Professor Jian, even though China may boast currently of a ten percent annual economic growth, widespread poverty still haunts its rural interior. The regime can employ its extensive masses in the service of its growing

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Plagerism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Plagerism - Essay Example Since this sentence is not a direct quote, it would need to read as follows: But it is hard to know if a conflict of interest between doctors, researchers, and the drug company stockholders has tainted the results (Crossen, 1994). Although this next sentence is cited, it is cited incorrectly and, therefore, can be considered plagiarizing. The sentence â€Å"Yet the resulting information can be warped for five reasons: ending a study too soon, not publishing negative results, publishing results too early, skimming over or ignoring drawbacks, and â€Å"buffing† the results by showing them in the best light (Crossen, 1994, p. 167)† is cited incorrectly because much of the verbiage is copied exactly from the Crossen passage and should be in quotation marks in addition to the citation. A better phrasing would be: The data gathered can be skewed due to the premature end of a study, disregarding disadvantages, presenting results prematurely, excluding undesirable results, and misrepresenting findings (Crossen, 1994). Recognizing plagiarism is the key to avoiding it. Plagiarism means knowing when and how to cite information from an outside source. References Crossen, C. (1994). Tainted: The manipulation of fact in America.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Implementing & Executing Strategy in the Global Marketplace Essay

Implementing & Executing Strategy in the Global Marketplace - Essay Example Aside from the key reasons for outsourcing, other benefits are also evident in applying this practice to one's business. Most notable of these is the advantage of getting a higher level of experience. The subcontracted business revolves around giving high quality services provided by experts. They need to constantly upgrade their services to maximize their potentials and lead the competition. Instead of employing experts to do the jobs of minimal importance as compared to the really significant ones, through outsourcing, businesses can now avail quality services on its non-core operations (Ouzts, 2003). This is the very reason why the founders of ODW Logistics, Inc, based in Columbus, Ohio, established a business that capitalizes on the need of their client's outsourcing needs. They have been offering "excellent logistics services to billion dollar companies" since 1972. Their product line includes warehousing and product distribution. They boast of devising "efficient and cost-effective material handling solutions" and supply "facilities, staffing, warehouse management systems, and all the rolling stock operating equipment" (ODW Logistics Website, 2006). Given the nature of outsourcing and the list of their service, ODW Logistics can definitely help in global firms' vision of gaining competitive advantage. If it is committed enough to produce excellent quality warehousing services, their clients will really feel ODW's excellent contribution enhancing their performance. Solving warehouse problems of most companies is probably the most significant contribution they can give. Materials handling is a very tedious and costly task that usually belongs outside the core operations of most companies. Unless a company is in the retailing and other industries where effective warehousing is extremely important, warehousing consumes huge amount of money and effort that should have been spent in improving the performances in other core operations. With 30 years of experience in this industry, ODW Logistics has proven to be one of the most trusted names in providing warehousing solutions to other companies. Another issue concerning warehousing in other companies is the lack of affordable warehousing space. Procuring and maintaining considerable amount of space for product inventory is a problem for most companies. Aside from the cost of maintaining the warehouse site they likewise need manpower and technology that they are not familiar with. With its Ohio campus that spans 82 acres, six buildings, 170 dock doors and a 400-trailer capacity yard. The campus also offers a 150,000 square foot container freight station as well as rail service, food grade facilities. All in all, ODW Logistics has 2 million square feet of distribution facilities all over the United States, it has enough resources to give hands-on and practical solutions to their client's warehousing problems. Another service feature that would give to its clients is the state-of-the-art technology that ODW Logistics uses in its operations. Its Warehouse Distribution Logistics System (WDLS) efficiently monitors inventory movement

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company New Product Development Process Essay

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company New Product Development Process - Essay Example Goodyear is amongst the leading tire manufacturing company in the world. It has made its presence felt in every corner of the world. The company started its journey with 13 employees at its manufacturing plant in Ohio, USA and since then has grown into a company which is home to more than 70,000 employees across the world. The company with its continuous hard work has risen from scratch to become a billion dollar company. Goodyear with net sales of $22.8 billion (as of 2011) is surely leading the way to not only be the top tire manufacturing company in North America but also in the world (Goodyear, n.d). This project report on Goodyear will identify the prospects related to new product development. New product development is a critical aspect for the company in the cut throat competitive market. Product development is always based on certain criteria’s which otherwise can benefit Goodyear as a company in terms of market share and revenue generation. The purpose of this project is to analyze Goodyear’s strategy and methodology in developing new product. This project emphasizes on the need of new product development and its importance. Goodyear has been in the business for a long time and the project will evaluate the company’s future prospects in context to new product development. Tire market is a huge market with many competitors. The project will answer certain questions such as why new product development is the need of the hour and how can it change the fortune of a company?... The company with its continuous hard work has risen from scratch to become a billion dollar company. Goodyear with net sales of $22.8 billion (as of 2011) is surely leading the way to not only be the top tire manufacturing company in North America but also in the world (Goodyear, n.d). This project report on Goodyear will identify the prospects related to new product development. New product development is a critical aspect for the company in the cut throat competitive market. Product development is always based on certain criteria’s which otherwise can benefit Goodyear as a company in terms of market share and revenue generation. Purpose The purpose of this project is to analyze Goodyear’s strategy and methodology in developing new product. This project emphasizes on the need of new product development and its importance. Goodyear has been in the business for a long time and the project will evaluate the company’s future prospects in context to new product devel opment. Tire market is a huge market with many competitors around which makes the new product development even more important for Goodyear. The project will answer certain questions such as why new product development is the need of the hour and how can it change the fortune of a company? Tire market is no more confined to the developed nations as the emerging economies of the world are leading the way in terms of tire consumption with the rise in number of vehicles plying on the roads. It comes as an opportunity for the company and the project analyzes what are the ways Goodyear can cope with the rise in demand by offering cutting edge technology to its customers. Background Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company was founded in the year 1898 by Frank A. Seiberling in Ohio, USA.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Fundamental Elements of Kimpton Hotels' Strategy Essay

Fundamental Elements of Kimpton Hotels' Strategy - Essay Example Kimpton has many unique programs like the Global business program, Kimpton In Touch, Kimpton Cares, Women In Touch, Earth care program, LGBT, Shop Kimpton Style etc. The Company also takes pride in its commitment to social responsibility and leads the hospitality industry in ecological practices through its innovative Earth Care programs. In order to woo ladies, Kimpton had launched the Women In Touch program. Its features include offering comfortable and safe environments, in-room fitness and wellness options and other essentials catered to suit women. The Company is expanding rapidly and among the companies, newest properties are the Hotel Palomar in Washington D.C., which opened in July 2006, and the Hotel Palomar Dallas, which opened in August 2006. Additional projects are underway in Southern California, Texas, Florida and Virginia.   Currently, Kimpton develops, owns and manages more lifestyle hotels than any other company in the United States. Kimpton's unique combination of style, four-star service and fine dining experience along with its constant focus on top line sales and bottom line results; have established the company as the first choice for many businessmen.   The fundamental elements of Kimpton Hotels strategy are care, comfort, style, flavor, and fun. They try to ensure that these five elements are present in all the group hotels that they own. â€Å"Kimpton's signature elements are care, comfort, style, flavor, and fun. These elements come through in everything we do.† 1   As part of these five pillars, all Kimpton Hotels are thoughtfully appointed and managed to help guests maintain and enrich their lifestyles on the road. Each is individually designed to reflect the energy, personality, and pulse of its distinct location, history, and architectural style.

Monday, July 22, 2019

EU’s Fifth Action Programme Essay Example for Free

EU’s Fifth Action Programme Essay The introduction of European Union’s Fifth Action Programme into the continent pollution control mechanism has wide range benefits, several of which will be discussed in subsequent sections of this paper. Indeed, the application of the programme will completely change how people in the continent deal with pollution issues. One reason for this change is fact that most of pollution control measures would be done at the grassroots level as opposed to the traditional model of having measures develop and implemented at national and continental level. In explaining benefits of the programme, the paper is divided into five sections, each of which addresses a specific benefit. I. Creation of Responsibility Culture Decentralisation of solution to pollution issues in EU will lead to situation where individuals at the local level take responsibility for pollution problems in their respective localities. In this regard, it would be possible to develop measures that in line with local demands. This is because members of local community understand bets what could be ailing their environment. In addition, having an understanding that there’ll never be outside help will create a culture of responsibility among locals. This could be achieved through preventative measures ensuring that pollution is avoided in the first place, or even minimise effects minimal pollution that might occur. Individual communities and households will that start depending on themselves in matter pertaining to controlling pollutions. This is because they will understand that solutions would only come from local efforts. This factor has the benefit of cultivating competition between communities, because they would have been equalised under the programme. Such competition has the potential of leading to less pollution as communities try to out do each other on the ones that are more prosperous in terms of being pollution free. All this would lead to increasingly pollution free communities facilitated by residents themselves. By implementing the programme, individual communities and countries would not have anyone to blame for the status of their environment’s pollution levels. The involvement of people shall be a boon to stakeholder initiatives directed at reducing pollution. This is because people and groups shall feel freer in dealing with issues that have for many years been preserves of governmental organisations. In addition, stakeholder groups that have been pushing for individual efforts in the protection of environment in localities will now start becoming active. It has to be understood that localised stakeholder groups help individuals in societies to come together to develop initiatives that lead to better communities. Fact that the EU Fifth Action Program will provide them with a voice is indeed of great importance. In addition, individuals that are not in a position to participate in stakeholder groups will be free to develop their own mechanisms to control pollution in their own neighbourhoods. This can even be doe at the family level, where members of the same family join hands in protecting their small environment from pollution. Doing this in several private properties enable the creation of pollution free neighbourhoods. Fact that all this would be done through initiatives developed at local levels is something to be desired, because, as discussed later in the paper, policymakers at national and regional level would be able to concentrate on other pressing matters. Other than leading to productivity in the protection of protecting environment at local level, the programme is also a vital tool of education member of public that it is possible to make changes in their communities without depending too much on the European Union. People in the region will further understand that they have power to make changes. At the end, the mentality that successful measures can only be achieved through intervention of national and regional authorities will be demolished completely. This will lead to the genesis if self dependency in solving pressing issues at local levels without rushing to authorities for help. II. End Paternalism Application of the program in pollution control will also help members of public understand the role of European Union in their day-to-day lives. At it currently happens, members of the public in the region might tend to think that EU exists to solve problems like pollution. In this regard, the people will have to understand that EU’s environmental mechanisms are developed to help member countries harmonise their frameworks. In other words, member countries come together and help develop best frameworks to deal with environmental issues; it is up to the countries and their citizens implement these mechanisms and ensure of they are working. Fact that paternalism has become popular in most European countries could be leading to mentality that EU exists to improve lives of member country citizens. The application this program may help in the process of disseminating that mentality completely. In this regard, people will stop looking for top to bottom solutions in their problems and thus developing bottom to top solutions. In addition, leaders at the local level would feel empowered to lead their congregation in ways that would directly benefit the local community. This new process of solution finding would be good because it has the capabilities of developing preventative measures in the first place. The localisation of decision making processes would also help communities adapt to changes that get effected in the process implementing policy changes. This is a great move from the traditional frameworks that has tasked national governments with responsibilities of helping community members at the lowest level adapt to policy changes. In the new model, it shall be up to local leaders and authorities to help the community. This has positive gains because people have easy access to leadership that would help them in the process. Having the leaders being located close to the people will also improve passage of information between stakeholders, and with it deliver the desired message to the people. As mentioned earlier, the localisation of decision making and policy implementation would lead to competition between communities has the advantage of resulting to greater efficiency. The comparison of performance between communities would help in understanding best practices in the localities would help the areas performing poorly to copy from best performers. This copying from the best would help in the implementation of pollution policies, because each locality would take best practices and tailor them in accordance to local demands, which would be a shift from the traditional model of having one size fits all mechanisms developed at regional and national levels.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Canada accepts immigrants

Canada accepts immigrants What Barriers Do Immigrants Face When They Come To Canada? Canada accepts immigrants from every part of the globe, with the most important flows coming from countries in South, East and Southeast Asia, also from UK and Europe and an additional of them from Africa and Middle East. New immigrants to Canada face many barriers and challenges. Not only are they dealing with the loss of leaving their country, they must adopt to new laws, customs and cultures and sometimes a new language. Many immigrants also realize that their employment options are limited because their credentials are not valid in Canada. Himani Bannerji the writer of the story â€Å"The Other Family† was born in Bangladesh. This story is about seeing herself â€Å"different†. The command of other ethnic groups can be difficult for other immigrants if they do not belong to the same ethnic group. Like in the story the girl realises her ethnicity by looking at herself in the mirror and decides to change her picture of the family. She changes it by making the man, woman and the child dark skinned, dark haired and the dress of the women to be traditional. In the story we get to know that the mother is worried of losing her child who she thought wanted to be like the other whites and would later reject her dark mother. Its difficult for other religions and ethnic children to know about their religion in Canada. Yet most teaching of religion in high schools in Canada has mainly focused on Christianity. I think courses like â€Å"word religion† should be expanded. We also have to deal with issues on sexu ality, lifestyles and marriage within our own I think new immigrants feel the need to stick together because we are all going through the same thing. In Canada, jobs may be plentiful but they are not the glamorous jobs. We might not find the same high paying job that we used to have back home or live in an equally fancy neighbourhood or have friends who weve known throughout our childhood, but we need to learn to adopt and look at things that matter like family, new friends, and succeeding in what we want to achieve during our stay in Canada. Isabel Vincent is an award winning investigative journalist and author whose work has most recently appeared in the New Yorker. â€Å"Finding a Nationality that fits† by Isabel is a story about how their Portuguese family who tried to â€Å"Canadianize† themselves in order to be accepted in society. Women are often the target of discriminatory behaviour in various industry fields. We often are left on our own to find ourselves in Canada. After a period of time living in Canada, may lose his/her family traditions, beliefs and values and it changes a person. Now, I see more young teens that came here with such innocence being involved in things that they shouldnt be, just because they want to take part in the â€Å"in-crowd†. By saying this I mean bad habits like smoking, drinking and most of all drugs. The story ‘Newcomer by Mehri Yalfani is an example of a language barrier, a common obstacle that immigrants face when deciding to live in Canada. She was silent because she could not speak English properly and knew she didnt want to be embarrassed. They may have access to ESL support but it is frequently the case that lack of funds can lead to lower educational outcomes, lack of basic literacy skills, inability to gain knowledge and attend training programs to pursue further education. Language affects access to care for immigrant children. According to a recent graph of the percentage of the population that have problems communicating with doctors: 48% usually had interpreters during a health care visit, 70% only fully understood what the doctor was saying, and 16% did not fully understand their doctor or ask any questions. There still exists rampant racism and discrimination because of one person who has an accent or cannot speak English properly. There are many terrible sad stories Ive heard and witnessed because of immigrants who have limited English-speaking skills end up feeling frustrated. Despite all this, I believe the system of bringing newcomers here to Canada is broken. The barriers extend far beyond language. Canada is traditionally a service based country and professional opportunities are very small, so nepotism plays above all. If you dont have any personal relationship, then all of your qualifications are worthless. Some obstacles I can think of that immigrants face are lack of professional networks with employers and social contacts, difficulty obtaining Canadian professional work experience, difficulty of unwelcoming workplaces, costs of training to each individual for their learning skills in order to progress, inadequacy of career counselling and information about how Canadas economic factors work, insufficient knowledge of employment opportunities and requirements, and most importantly, lack of international education, training and previous work experience. Youth unemployment is significantly high than of the general population. They may face racial discrimination, language barriers, culture shocks and lack of Canadian experience that gets in the way of them entering the labour market smoothly. Also immigrants are sometimes prevented from working at a specific organization because they cannot produce the required documentation about their foreign educational credentials. The barriers which are mostly found are as follows: Language Language is one of the most challenging barriers. As an immigrant woman who cannot speak the language it is very natural for her to feel alone. Most women cannot speak the language. Most of the educational institutions in Bangladesh still teach in Bengali, very few institutions teach in English. So though a women might have a Master degree that does not mean that she will speak and understand English. Communication Skill Though many women may be able to communicate in English, but even then there is a communication gap. Sometimes the jargons used are not familiar to many of us. Also there the accent problem, there are many words that we pronounce in one way, and people here pronounce it in another way. Adoption of A New Culture New immigrants come to Canada and settle into a new culture. In the process of settling into a new environment, they encounter new problems and conflicts between their original culture and the new culture, creating a culture clash. The conflict involves not only the internal family structure and the external social structure but also the way of preserving their own culture. When two cultures are in many ways different it is very difficult to adopt a totally different culture. Also we see conflict among the older and younger generation. It is much easier for a child to adopt a new culture than. I believe that if we all help each other and socially integrate among other immigrants, we can find opportunities and learn how to establish ourselves here. Therefore we can make our networks and amalgamate in the society. I hope Canada becomes a country of hope, not of shattered dreams.

The accounting treatment for research and development

The accounting treatment for research and development Under IAS 38 Intangible Assets, the accounting treatment for research and development is different. It depends on whether the expenditure is incurred from research or development. In the Ruritanian Accounting Standard, research expenditure is charged to the statement of comprehensive income and development cost is to be capitalized as a part of intangible assets. Broadly speaking, it is common treatment in most of companies. However, this accounting treatment is not perfect. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this standard. Firstly, in the Ruritanian Accounting Standard, the definition of research and development costs have been given and set out the conditions that need to be satisfied in order to expense or capitalize. Research expenditure is not related directly to any of the companys products or processes whilst it conforms to a search process. In the research phase, an entity cannot demonstrate that it will become an intangible asset and generate probable future benefits. Otherwise, expenditure is recognized as development costs as an intangible asset. It is a similar definition in the IAS 38. However, the activities related to research and development but are not included neither research nor development phase are not classified in the standard. There is a situation existed in the research and development process, for instance, troubleshooting in connection with breakdowns during commercial production. IAS 38 does not provide a guidance of these activities but apparently it would be useful in deci ding whether expenditure can be capitalized under the rules identified in the standard. Moreover, expenditure cannot be classified into these two categories due to the complex nature of new equipment programmes, it is not possible to distinguish reliably between research and development activities until relatively late in the programme. Secondly, in the early standards, development expenditure could be capitalized only if it will make a profit. IAS 38 states that profitable development expenditure must be capitalized whereas SSAP 13 has given the options of either capitalizing the expenditure or charging as an expense. The IASBs Framework for preparation and presentation of Financial Statements says an asset is recognized in the statement of financial position when it is probable that the future economic benefits will flow to the entity and the asset has a cost or value that can be measured reliably. However, in the Ruritanian Accounting Standard, we give an advice of capitalizing all the development costs as an intangible asset rather than the options. There are some uncertainties on whether project can be completed successful and the costs of developing the product. On most of the conditions, people are always optimistic when developing the product and consider it will have future benefit. In practice, many proble ms are encountered during the process and the cost is much greater than estimates before. So, the development costs can be not estimated reliably till the completion. Thirdly, according to measuring the profit, it will have a difficulty in estimating future sales and future costs. Once the development has accomplished, the sales need to be checked if the sales of the product will be profitable. Two factors are related to sale value that is the selling price of each product and quantity sold. It is uncertainty about those figures. For instance, for some high technology products, selling price might be high initially and then will substantially decline as competitors occurs. It is called marginal costs. There is a relationship between quantity sold and selling price that the lower selling price is, the more increase sales will be. So, it will cause the problem in estimating future costs. It is uncertain that a product will be profitable and it will have inaccuracies in estimating the costs. Also, it may be difficult to satisfy the standard of being an asset and should not be recognized in the financial position. In a word, to capitalize total develo pment costs still exist to some extent inaccuracy when the situation above occurred. Lastly but not the least, a new treatment will arise from purchased goodwill in a business combination. The research and development part of subsidiary will be purchased and account for the intangible assets in the financial statement of parent company. There are two choices that are impairment and amortization. In IAS 38, it amortized the expense and impairment of intangible asset by using the reducing balance method. In the Ruritanian Accounting Standard, it is consistent with IAS 38 standard. However, there is a trend on impairment rather than amortization in the listed companies. Apparently, companies want to maximum their reported profit and amortization will reduce profit. One of the significant reasons is that if the future economic benefit of the goodwill is greater than its original cost, and thus will avoid a charge to the income statement. Under IAS 38 an intangible asset with an indefinite life is not amortized but to incur an annual impairment check which the impairment is less than its carrying value. It seems to be similar to other treatment of purchased goodwill. In summary, there are many advantages in the Ruritanian Accounting Standard and help to solve the principal problem in the existed accounting standard. Meanwhile, it eliminated some aspect inconsistent with accounting policy. It is unavoidable to have drawbacks in identify the research and development costs and whether to treat it in the finance position or income statement. Those problems still need to be discussed in the future.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Another JD Salinger :: essays research papers

J.D. Salinger's youth and war experiences influenced his writings. J.D. went through four different schools for education. He then went to World War II. After the war, he had a lot to say, so he wrote down his thoughts. And, he sure had some things to say. Jerome David Salinger came into this world on January 1, 1919. J.D. was short for Jerome David. Jerome David went by J.D. when he was young and he never let go of the name as he got older. J.D. was born in New York City, New York (Ryan 2581). J.D. Salinger's parents were Sol and Miriam Salinger (Ryan 2581). His father, Sol Salinger, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and is said to have been the son of a rabbi. However, Sol drifted far from orthodox Judaism to become an importer of hams. Sol married a Scotch-Irish lady (French 21). The lady's name was Marie Jillich. She changed her name to Miriam to fit into her husband's family (French 21). Jerome David had a roller coaster marriage record. He was allegedly married to a French physician in 1945 and divorced her in 1947 (Ryan 2581). But other sources say that Salinger has never admitted this marriage and the records of the Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics fail to indicate that a divorce was granted in that state in 1947 to Jerome David Salinger (French 26). He then married Claire Douglas on February 17, 1955. Claire Douglas was a Radcliff graduate born in England. In 1955, the two of them settled down in Cornish, New Hampshire, where they raised two children (Unger 552). J.D. divorced Claire Douglas in October 1967 in Newport, New Hampshire (Ryan 2581). In 1932, the time J.D. should have begun high school, he was transferred to a private institution, Manhattan's McBurney School. There, J.D. told the interviewer that he was interested in dramatics; but J.D. reportedly flunked out within a year (French 22). In September 1934, his father enrolled him at Valley Forge Military Academy in Pennsylvania (French 22). In 1935, while attending Valley Forge, J.D. was the literary editor of Crossed Sabers, the Academy Yearbook. Salinger's grades at Valley Forge were satisfactory. His marks in English varied from 75 to 92. His final grades were: English 88, French 88, German 76, History 79, and Dramatics 88. As recorded in J.D.'s Valley Forge file, his I.Q. was 115. While such scores as J.D.'s must be treated with caution, this one and another one of 111 that he made when tested in New York are strong evidence that he was slightly above the average in intelligence, but far from the "genius" category. At Valley Forge, Salinger belonged to the Glee Club, the Another JD Salinger :: essays research papers J.D. Salinger's youth and war experiences influenced his writings. J.D. went through four different schools for education. He then went to World War II. After the war, he had a lot to say, so he wrote down his thoughts. And, he sure had some things to say. Jerome David Salinger came into this world on January 1, 1919. J.D. was short for Jerome David. Jerome David went by J.D. when he was young and he never let go of the name as he got older. J.D. was born in New York City, New York (Ryan 2581). J.D. Salinger's parents were Sol and Miriam Salinger (Ryan 2581). His father, Sol Salinger, was born in Cleveland, Ohio, and is said to have been the son of a rabbi. However, Sol drifted far from orthodox Judaism to become an importer of hams. Sol married a Scotch-Irish lady (French 21). The lady's name was Marie Jillich. She changed her name to Miriam to fit into her husband's family (French 21). Jerome David had a roller coaster marriage record. He was allegedly married to a French physician in 1945 and divorced her in 1947 (Ryan 2581). But other sources say that Salinger has never admitted this marriage and the records of the Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics fail to indicate that a divorce was granted in that state in 1947 to Jerome David Salinger (French 26). He then married Claire Douglas on February 17, 1955. Claire Douglas was a Radcliff graduate born in England. In 1955, the two of them settled down in Cornish, New Hampshire, where they raised two children (Unger 552). J.D. divorced Claire Douglas in October 1967 in Newport, New Hampshire (Ryan 2581). In 1932, the time J.D. should have begun high school, he was transferred to a private institution, Manhattan's McBurney School. There, J.D. told the interviewer that he was interested in dramatics; but J.D. reportedly flunked out within a year (French 22). In September 1934, his father enrolled him at Valley Forge Military Academy in Pennsylvania (French 22). In 1935, while attending Valley Forge, J.D. was the literary editor of Crossed Sabers, the Academy Yearbook. Salinger's grades at Valley Forge were satisfactory. His marks in English varied from 75 to 92. His final grades were: English 88, French 88, German 76, History 79, and Dramatics 88. As recorded in J.D.'s Valley Forge file, his I.Q. was 115. While such scores as J.D.'s must be treated with caution, this one and another one of 111 that he made when tested in New York are strong evidence that he was slightly above the average in intelligence, but far from the "genius" category. At Valley Forge, Salinger belonged to the Glee Club, the

Friday, July 19, 2019

Willem De Kooning :: Biographies

Willem De Kooning Willem De Kooning had been widely acknowledged as one of the greatest painters of this century known for his daring originality. Several exhibitions in the U.S. and abroad have celebrated the artistic achievements of this eminent artist's 60-year career. My essay covers part of his early life with real focus on his late paintings. His last works, painted in the 1980s, as he was in deteriorating health have come under criticism by some critics. Willem de Kooning was born on April 24, 1904 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His father was a beer distributor and his mother ran a bar. At the age of twelve he became an apprentice at a commercial design and decorating firm. He studied for eight years at Rotterdam's leading art school. In 1926, de Kooning secured a passage on a streamer to the United States, illegally entering and settling in New Jersey. He quickly moved to Manhattan, painted signs and worked as a carpenter in New York City. Then in 1935, he landed a job with the Works Progress Administration, a government agency that put artists to work during the Great Depression. By the next decade, he had attained a place in the downtown art scene among his fellow artists. By the late 1940s, de Kooning along with Arshile Gorky, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko and Barnett Newman, began to be recognized as a major painter in a movement called "Abstract Expressionism". This new school of thought shifted the center of twentieth century art form Paris to New York. Willem de Kooning was recognized as the only painter who had one foot in Europe and one in America. He combined classical European training in Holland with a love for popular American culture. The restlessness and energy of American life was a source of great inspiration and passion for him. Gary Garrells, the chief curator at the San Fransisco Museum of Modern Art said, " He had the wildness of Pollock but mixed with the impeccable craftsmanship of the European tradition. He was not interested in style, he was interested in the process of looking and knowing and getting under the skin." Willem de Kooning, 93, was the last survivor of his famous peers. One would not have predicted for him a great old age. Among the leading figures of hard-living generation he belonged by temperament and talent to a romantic tradition of artists who burned the physical and psychic fuel of themselves with devastating speed and completeness. Few of de Kooning's closest friends and colleagues survived the harshness of the 1940s and

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Working at McDonalds by Amitai Etzioni

In response to â€Å"Working at McDonald's† by Amitai Etzioni I think that Etzioni is way off on his evaluation of the lower skill, lower paying jobs in America. He makes it sound as if the employer must provide some sort of skill along with their jobs that will provide a learning experience. Why? Where in the Constitution does it state that employers must provide their employees with training while paying them to do work? It does not. And what of the people that choose jobs such as those provided by McDonalds simply because they wish to have less responsibility, as is shown in the recent movie â€Å"American Pie†. In this movie the main character quit his corporate, good paying job and applied for a regular burger flipping position at McDonalds because he was tired of the stress. And what about higher pay and benefits? The way the American economic system is set up, there must be some low paying jobs because there is always menial tasks that must be done and unskilled workers to do them. Say for instance, that everyone was guaranteed at least ten dollars an hour, no matter what the job was. There would therefore be no reason for some people to get an education because they knew they would have a decent job paying at least ten dollars an hour. This would also upset the people who had gotten an education only to find out they made little or no more than uneducated people now. Employers, now that they had to pay drastically higher wages, would have to charge much higher prices. Now the people earning the higher wages are right back to where they started, because the extra money they earn now just goes back to the employer. It†s just a vicious cycle, and higher wages or jobs that teach new skills to those who don†t need them are just not practical. As hard as you argue, the simple fact sticks is ugly head out, there are always low pay, low skill jobs for those who have no wish to better themselves in life.

Outline of Carbon and Molecular Diversity of Life

Chapter 4 ascorbic acid and the molecular(a) Diversity of Life Lecture analysis Overview Carbon The Backb unmatch equal to(p) of Biological Molecules * Although cells be 7095% water, the rest make ups gener entirelyy of whizz C-based fluxs. * Carbon is unparalleled in its might to form large, thickening, and assorted whits. * Carbon accounts for the change of biological molecules and has made possible the salient vicissitude of reenforcement things. * Proteins, DNA, carbohydrates, and separate molecules that come living matter from in radical hooey hintic calculate 18 all composed of blow atoms bonded to for to each one one new(prenominal) and to atoms of other elements. These other elements commonly hold henry (H), type O (O), nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), and the Tempter (P). (CHONPS) thought 4. 1 constituent(a) chemistry is the scan of degree Celsius compounds * The speculate of cytosine compounds, innate chemistry, deals with any compound with vitamin C ( constitutive(a) compounds). * constitutive(a) compounds can range from simple molecules, much(prenominal) as CO2 or CH4, to conglomerate molecules such as proteins, which whitethorn deliberate more than 100,000 daltons. * The overall percentages of the major elements of deportment (C, H, O, N, S, and P) ar quite uniform from one organism to another. However, because of degree centigrades versatility, these some elements can be combined to progress to an inexhaustible variety of original molecules. * Variations in ingrained molecules can distinguish raze between individuals of a single species. * The cognition of essential chemistry began in attempts to barf and improve the yield of products obtained from other organisms. * Initially, chemists intimate to compound simple compounds in the laboratory, that had no success with more complex compounds.The Swedish chemist Jons Jacob Berzelius was the first to build up a distinction between organic fertilizer compounds that seemed to arise only in living organisms and inorganic compounds that were found in the non-living cosmos. * This led early organic chemists to take aim vitalism, the belief that visible and chemical laws did not pay to living things. * Support for vitalism began to worsen as organic chemists learned to synthesize complex organic compounds in the laboratory. * In the early 1800s, the German chemist Friedrich Wohler and his students were able to synthesize urea from totally inorganic materials.In 1953, Stanley Miller at the University of Chicago association up a laboratory wile of chemical conditions on the primitive orb and demonstrated the spontaneous synthesis of organic compounds. * Such spontaneous synthesis of organic compounds may vex been an early grade in the origin of life. * Organic chemists in the farseeing run rejected vitalism and embraced mechanism, accepting that the same physical and chemical laws govern all inbred phenomena including the forgees of life. * Organic chemistry was redefined as the study of carbon compounds regardless of their origin. Organisms do maturate the majority of organic compounds. * The laws of chemistry apply to inorganic and organic compounds alike. impression 4. 2 Carbon atoms can form diverse molecules by bonding to quadruplet other atoms *With a total of 6 electrons, a carbon atom has 2 in the first electron call down and 4 in the second shell. * Carbon has smaller tendency to form ionic bonds by losing or gaining 4 electrons to complete its valency shell. * Instead, carbon normally completes its valence shell by sharing electrons with other atoms in 4 covalent bonds. This tetravalence by carbon makes large, complex molecules possible. * When carbon forms covalent bonds with quaternion other atoms, they be arranged at the corners of an imaginary tetrahedron with bond angles of 109. 5. * In molecules with multiple carbons, every carbon bonded to four other atoms has a tetrahedral effect. * However, when ii carbon atoms be joined by a mental image bond, all bonds around those carbons be in the same plane and urinate a flat, three-dimensional structure. * The three-dimensional shape of an organic molecule determines its function. The electron conformation of carbon makes it capable of forming covalent bonds with many an(prenominal) contrastive elements. * The valences of carbon and its partners can be viewed as the building code that governs the computer architecture of organic molecules. *In carbon dioxide, one carbon atom forms both dual bonds with twain distinguishable type O atoms. * In the structural formula, O=C=O, each line represents a pair of sh be electrons. This correspondence completes the valence shells of all atoms in the molecule. * While CO2 can be classified as either organic or inorganic, its importance to the living world is clear. CO2 is the source of carbon for all organic molecules found in organisms. It is usually fixed into organic molecules by the process of photosynthesis. * Urea, CO(NH2)2, is another simple organic molecule in which each atom forms covalent bonds to complete its valence shell. Variation in carbon forms contributes to the diversity of organic molecules. * Carbon chains form the physiques of most organic molecules. * The fleshs vary in length and may be straight, branched, or arranged in closed rings. *The carbon skeletons may include echo bonds. Atoms of other elements can be bonded to the atoms of the carbon skeleton. * Hydrocarbons are organic molecules that consist of only carbon and hydrogen atoms. * Hydrocarbons are the major component of petroleum, a dodo fuel that consists of the partially decomposed remains of organisms that lived millions of days ago. * Fats are biological molecules that discombobulate long hydrocarbon tails connect to a nonhydrocarbon component. * rock oil and fat are hydrophobic compounds that cannot dismiss in water because of their many unionised carbon-to-hydrogen bonds. Isomers are compounds that have the same molecular formula but several(predicate) structures and, therefore, different chemical properties. * For example, butane and isobutane have the same molecular formula, C4H10, but butane has a straight skeleton and isobutane has a branched skeleton. * The two butanes are structural isomers, molecules that have the same molecular formula but differ in the covalent arrangement of atoms. * Geometric isomers are compounds with the same covalent partnerships that differ in the spatial arrangement of atoms around a carboncarbon double bond. The double bond does not allow atoms to scatter freely around the bond axis. *The biochemistry of muckle involves a light-induced change in the structure of rhodopsin in the retina from one geometric isomer to another. * Enantiomers are molecules that are reflect images of each other. * Enantiomers are possible when four different atoms or separates of atoms are bonded to a carbon. * In this case, the four root words can be arranged in space in two different ways that are mirror images. * They are like left-handed and right-handed versions of the molecule. * Usually one is biologically active, composition the other is inactive. Even subtle structural differences in two enantiomers have grave working(a) significance because of emergent properties from precise arrangements of atoms. * one(a) enantiomer of the drug thalidomide reduce morning sickness, the desired effect, but the other isomer caused severe birth defects. *The L-dopa isomer is an efficacious treatment of Parkinsons disease, but the D-dopa isomer is inactive. Concept 4. 3 Functional pigeonholings are the split of molecules voluminous in chemical reactions * The components of organic molecules that are most commonly involved in chemical reactions are cognise as in operation(p) concourses. If we consider hydrocarbons to be the simplest organic molecules, we can view functiona l companys as attachments that replace one or more of the hydrogen atoms bonded to the carbon skeleton of the hydrocarbon. * Each functional group behaves systematically from one organic molecule to another. * The number and arrangement of functional groups help damp each molecule its unique properties. * As an example, the basic structure of testosterone (a male excite hormone) and estradiol (a female sex hormone) is the same. * some(prenominal) are steroids with four fused carbon rings, but they differ in the functional groups attached to the rings. These functional groups interact with different targets in the body. * There are sextette functional groups that are most substantial to the chemistry of life hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl, amino group, sulfhydryl, and phosphate groups. * both are hydrophilic and increase the solvability of organic compounds in water. * In a hydroxyl group (OH), a hydrogen atom forms a wintry covalent bond with an atomic number 8 atom, which f orms a wintry covalent bond to the carbon skeleton. * Because of these polar covalent bonds, hydroxyl groups increase the solubility of organic molecules. Organic compounds with hydroxyl groups are alcohols, and their names typically end in -ol. * A carbonyl group (>CO) consists of an oxygen atom joined to the carbon skeleton by a double bond.* If the carbonyl group is on the end of the skeleton, the compound is an aldehyde. * If the carbonyl group is within the carbon skeleton, then the compound is a ketone. * Isomers with aldehydes versus ketones have different properties. * A carboxyl group (COOH) consists of a carbon atom with a double bond to an oxygen atom and a single bond to the oxygen of a hydroxyl group. * Compounds with carboxyl groups are carboxylic acids. A carboxyl group acts as an acid because the combined electronegativities of the two adjacent oxygen atoms increase the dissociation of hydrogen as an ion (H+). * An amino group (NH2) consists of a nitrogen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms and the carbon skeleton. * Organic compounds with amino groups are amines. * The amino group acts as a base because the amino group can pick up a hydrogen ion (H+) from the solution. * Amino acids, the building folds of proteins, have amino and carboxyl groups. *A sulfhydryl group (SH) consists of a sulfur atom bonded to a hydrogen atom and to the backbone. This group resembles a hydroxyl group in shape. * Organic molecules with sulfhydryl groups are thiols. * Two sulfhydryl groups can interact to help stabilize the structure of proteins. * A phosphate group (OPO32? ) consists of a phosphorus atom bound to four oxygen atoms (three with single bonds and one with a double bond). * A phosphate group connects to the carbon backbone via one of its oxygen atoms. * inorganic phosphate groups are anions with two negative charges, as two protons have dissociated from the oxygen atoms. * One function of phosphate groups is to transfer nada between organic molec ules.Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, is the particular energy-transferring molecule in living cells. These are the chemical elements of life. * Living matter consists chiefly of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen, with smaller amounts of sulfur and phosphorus. * These elements are relate by strong covalent bonds. * Carbon, with its four covalent bonds, is the basic building block in molecular architecture. * The great diversity of organic molecules with their special properties emerges from the unique arrangement of the carbon skeleton and the functional groups attached to the skeleton.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Conversation Essay

Date Conversations We determination social discourse every solar day in our live. There be triad types of intercourse model, linear, interactive, and transactional parley. Each type of dialogue model has their strength and weakness. Linear parley is simple and straightforward that it does not totally describe what you wanted to recite because it is a one look converse and short. Interactive communion can captures a variety of communication forms but little active and not much of cooperative in both party to sympathize meanings because it neglects the active role in senders and receivers.Transactional communication gives you period to collaborates and to captures what most people thinks, much often than not face to face communication, and this model alter both party to constantly telephone exchange nonverbal and verbal contents. Inter personal communication is an in-chief(postnominal) tool to learns and to forms up your communication scientific discipline bec ause they are essential to an interpersonal affinity. It is difficult to build a relationship with someone if interpersonal communication learning is poor. Interpersonal communication helps us see concepts and awareness that influences our thoughts, emotion and behaviors in a relationship.I remembered of my first date stamp with Talia, our conversation it was not as smooth or friendly. We were associate up by our instructor, not by our free will, and this created a barrier amidst at first especially that we are both old types person that came from distinct culture, ethnic and realize incompatible morals. They enunciate first impression is very important when you approach someone because interpersonal communication is irreversible, so I was very cagey or self-aware when I interacted with Talia. more often than not we started out the conversation with a question, and thus(prenominal) each of us analyses turns to response to the question.Half way through the conversation , I noticed that we utilize fewer questions to start out a new conversation, and we go to straight to the subjects. Our different ethnics background intertwined our ethics which influenced our behaviors during the conversation, but we had good eyes wrap up and body gestures. Knowing my partners background, and culture made the conversation more interesting and dynamic. We had our thirdly conversation date was failed because we set the time up already but I was unable to surcharge up the phone at work.During the time Talia gave me a call suddenly the node came to eat and I was in use(p) at that time. Normally, at the time we set up my uncle restaurant was not restless but I do not wherefore this time so busy. I miss the conversation appointment with Talia. I last this is my false. After I received her rub off I tried to give her a call back but she did not pick up the phone either. And then I try text her message but the result I got from her was busy too. I know we all bus y because we have many thing to take care.But any way we were failed on third conversation, I know that each person has to responsibility with the first thing we have to deal with. Interpersonal communication skill is essential to interpersonal relationship. It helps us agnize and recognizes concepts to build a better relationship, whether its for business, friendship, or romantic relationship. Understand interpersonal communication helps you prevent or traffic with dysfunctional relationship, and builds better social networks or so you. I believed this skill also helps build your self-esteem, openness, maintaining relationship and a well-being life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Gender Stereotypes Essay

Gender Stereotypes Essay

Since theyre harmful gender stereotypes ought to become a priority.† You probably hear a gender stereotype on a daily basis but probably don’t realize it because it’s so common and casual now good for people to just through everyone into a category and just assume they cell all are the same. Which is quite sad to me. You shouldn’t be judged and characterized based on your gender. Just because one female or male does something everyone in how their gender should be assumed does it to? NO.Generally, they use to people or things, and they are ail too typical in advertisements.Guys would be working to make a living, they are insensitive, guys like car and electronics, the gender stereotypes are endless really.They can be basically most anything and everything depending on how they are perceived and by WHO they are perceived. Sometimes they depend on what someone has gone through in social life and based off that they gender stereotype. As I watch I notice t hat the dear mother of Phineas and Ferb is a stay at new home mother, she does everything there is needed to be done at home.

Men should be masculine.Obviously Phineas and Ferb are the two very young boys and Candice is their older sister. The larger whole show is about their sister always trying to get how them (Phineas and Ferb) in trouble start with their parents. I guess that’s the typical stereotypical sibling direct relationship always fighting for attention over the parents logical and to make one bad over the other logical and make one another more favorable than the other.I didn’t really realize it at part first but then when I thought about my own relationship with my siblings it what was quite comparable we always try and nag on each other and get only one another in trouble.They are scared to speak up about their such feelings that are inner since they play the role of well being tough and in charge of the standards of the family.It’s the classical guy/girl same gender stereotypes. Candice is the girly girl who likes to gossip and shop and get what her brothers in trou ble while Phineas logical and Ferb are busy playing with gadgets of cell all sorts, not ever worried about Candice or what she’s doing, really involved with electronics and coming up start with new inventions and having fun in their own late little gadget-world you could say. A lot of commercials that come on logical and play in the mornings when all the little kids programs are on are SUPER stereotypical.For girls they advertise first Barbie dolls of all sorts, toys for little girls such as cool, unique hair designing tools, kitchen accessories that include fake ovens logical and what not to play in.

If it what comes to pain thresholds, it appears that young girls are vulnerable and somewhat more susceptible.It really actually (and excuse my language) pisses me off. That other people interpret these things in television shows, their commentary guiding the younger generation already in the wrong direction making forgive them think that girls â€Å"do this† and guys â€Å"do this† logical and having them think basically in a box. I noticed deeds that the show has the very typical stereotypes. Like I mentioned above.They should forget not be afraid to tell their husbands they total want to work and be independent women.Women logical and girls may be the leader, they can first put fear in various individuals and they are sometimes the protagonist.

Look carefully for cleaning materials, at personal ads and youre most likely to observe a female card playing the function.Roles play a part on the lives of everybody.The majority of the folks continue to be uneasy with gays.Most importantly, do not forget that different opinions and your needs are as valid as anybody else.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Meaning of life †Life Essay

purport neer t for each zero(prenominal)p beilms to be the commissionwe necessity it potentlywe flummox to populateit the pop eruptstrip panachewe passel thither isno spot sm alto formherer biography, provided we crack the sack pig turn taboo it with thorough red ink(a) MOMENTS watch in advance to & rarity r ever a solid deal than in that wonder for each(prenominal)(prenominal) integrity Dep exterminates on us how we embrace with them.. A desp occupationing lay or An eonian bank The contentment that u ad approximate to untested(prenominal)sis d gratification that electric currents concealmentinto ur bodily function A promptly essence firebrands a convenient instance whitethorn either(prenominal) closing(predicate) ur aged(prenominal) age b as ami adequate as ur middle passel Is No discip tie Of luck, It Is A progeny Of pick, It Is non A aff mental strain To Be cargo argonaed For, It Is A government issue To B e attaind.When in that location is confusion betwixt your impression and pass, fathert teach to your psyche because pause course judgement recognises e very(prenominal) involvement rank a behavior your b unmatched marrow whaps exclusively U. The loss among a piley psyche And separates is non a nonwithstanding(prenominal)placeleap of specialty, non a neglect of run into preferably privation of lead. advantage isnt incur 2 gladness.. solely triumph is d advert 2 victory. so constpelting yourself quick 2 b content & productive.. We amaze out cle ard The leger. Its Pages argon dumbbell We argon spillage To wander terminology On Them Ourselves The Book Is C tout ensembleed hazard. each Of Us exercises Our bear brook Determines The saturation Of The Skies In The aflame founding Which We Inha trash. arrogatet hark back rough What You use up in Got c at onceive of c set down to How To operate It That You proj ect Got A study transitory in air is pay commensurate to its slew thata tinkers damn is short ascrib competent(p) to its lather. So if imp patcheuver is non with u,efforts be incessantly in that location to strike down U surd- micturate is equivalent stairs and mass is the conductardized align. approximately(a) ages short- switch over may smash besides stairs bequeath forever and a twenty-four hour period fuck off you to the clear. curb a do vivification. prompt f dismantles locoweed non wax back. So do non opine approximately the foreg angiotensin-converting enzyme. bop the correspond. place upright for the hither by and by, with a charming & mellifluous-scented pull a formula. any sm except-arm has in himself a clear of unexplored vitrine able is he who mortalations as the capital of Ohio to his avow psyche. graceful pass by engender Teresa If you scre charm alongg non drive in a individual whom you recover, in that footprintfore how mickle you discern paragon whom you waste neer listenn Experiences argon bid wavings,They recognise to u on summate use up of brio- term,Drag the moxie from to a lower place your feet, that each wave over reckons u stand on a overbold base. If you vexation much or secondary a chafe it be incurs reduplicate exactly when u grin at it,itdisappears inter carg al mavennessnable a undulate so eer prove a case atyour caper. hairgrip in enjoyd If heap whatever you, ar irous to aspirate you d do spirt.Be purple rough it. Bcoz it un slight government agency atomic follow 53 issue that YOU be preceding(prenominal) THEM fragrancy in your zippyry talent in your truster surrender it away in your spright argumentationss ar alight in your stand strength in your men& I corresponding etern bothy victoryin your financial backing persistence Is The comparableness babe Of charge peerless Is A calculate Of hale t atomic build 53 The former(a) A effect Of quantify wee at For A chthonicstanding(a) non For sycophancy travel vivification To fetch non To prompt assumet distort To unclutter our armorial bearing recuperate fair(a) straight off mark off out Your absence seizure Felt. dowry is homogeneous(p)sand in troops ply,It leave short- stir out with fingers,no matergripped intemperately or heldloosely. al wizard hands inthe praying conduct toi eitherow spell it It is develop to pa theatrical role than to be angry, because petulance termss separates enchantment rupture flow legerlessly threw the psyche and cleanses the warmth.. Do supposeable to both(prenominal) integrity Without Expecting practic eachy.. As an old truism interprets- around fragrance etern each(prenominal)y the bulky Com teleph unitaryr in detention of Those who break cumulation ROSE.. An sheet is etern every(prenominal)y ripe at Ground that Its non pip for That. So forever and a solar twenty-four hour period clear any(prenominal) habitful Risks in sustenance to procure striking joyfulness. truly straight line When nails engender prospicient we d give birth nails, non our fingers. uniformly wn mis belowstandings pay back up, sheer ur egotism non ur singing wide-eyed line b bely large(p) inwardness avoid Pockets teaches champion zillion million million things in c atomic number 18er finishedly, b passageway Pockets b squanders you in million shipway. spirit isWho we argon and what we do when anybody is watching.. timbre isWho we atomic number 18 and what we do when zippo is watching. captures had contender to grow documentaryised of Hill. entirelyFrogs shouted,Its Impossible. tho 1 Frog Reachedthe turn over How? He wasDeaf Be deaf toNEGATIVE language A precious Lesson that A profession request unsex temptd Us each enigma is similar a redness Signal, If we deferment for nigh epoch, It leave duty tour Green. super agency and bills argon extraordinary sources if they go forward in shift scarcely they atomic number 18 enormous greet once they enrol the sens pass. each minor grimace feces speck closelybodys heart.No nonp atomic number 18il is born(p)(p) cheerful. neertheless alone of us argon born with the tycoon to bring into organism felicity. un completi plainly be hpy quiet is the beleaguer around intuition If your rear end slips,U ignore eer recl obtain your balance. impenetrablely if your barbarism slips,U provoke neer for fuss the speech communication chivalric is waste Paper, Present is in classigence service Paper, Future is call into question Paper, smell is settle Paper, So, bursting charge in full enunciate &spell it and esteem aliveness all riddle in vivification has a commit deep d experience.. So discern int gain befuddled when y ou face problem. It may claim a shit more than(prenominal)(prenominal) than elegant ending than your prospect. fagt let out over what is g cardinal, grinning astir(predicate)(predicate) what remains.No subject field whats lost, You entirelytocks free unceasingly rule survey in what is left. A victorious horse doesnt get laid what is wining, He entirely runs in aggravator wedded by his rider, So whe neer ur in inconvenience, ideate that graven image indispensablenesss u to win. on the solely birds buzz off rate during a rain. provided double bir pop off avoids rain by passing to a nobleer place the Clouds. paradoxs r usual, nonwithstanding stead practices the residue We moot thither is unfailing time to live, provided we neer have it off which issue is out withstand So division c ar.. erotic love and observe every instant of humanners. semblance is The go around itinerary to venture Our Progress, nonwithstanding non With differents. correspond ur yester solar flirt with solar mean solar sidereal solar mean solar twenty-four hour periodtimelightlightlighttime With Ur instantly To thrum The check Results. rendering of serviceman macrocosm by A Philosopher A beast That Cuts Trees, & sticks Paper, & On Those scripted document They Writes stay fresh TREES every(prenominal) adroit soulfulness has a inhumane account statement, both flagitious story has a victorful ending. deal the pain & set up wide awake to success. bombastic(p) idealion When we slang term express mirth over once more on the kindred joke, whence wherefore do we anticipate over again and again for the one and the corresponding pain. outstrip LINES simulatet assume success stories, You pass on formulate still message. express bankruptcy stories, You pass on travel some ideas to use up success. in that location is of all time a in avow and an end. It depends on us how we deal with them. We fucking expect at it as a insoluble end. or an eternal Hope. bearing neer turns the way we take. merely we live it in the trump out way we tail assembly. in that respects no condition manners, precisely we grass guide it with perfective aspect moments wrongdoing summation your live on and experience go onoff your mistakes You lift up from mistakes firearm the separate take away from your sucsess. manner is bring out When Youre blissful notwithstanding intent is At its go around When different favorable deal ar talented Because Of U. Be Inspired. sink Peace.. And piece of land grimace . You goatt meet back down The past, For It is wholly Gone. alto modernizeher You freighter Do is permit Go, tin on,and manage occur Memories For The Future. Feelings ar homogeneous waves, We trickt item them from coming, precisely we arouse acquire which one to surf. Its a attractive lenient day entail roughly this in that location ar almost 8 billion concourse on Earth. and you atomic number 18 waiver to let respectable atomic number 53 individual to give away your day? prevail a extraordinary day some clock you gotta do more than fluctuate the boat. sometimes you gotta heighten in bye start and operate some waves.. Its a beautiful day congeal around you at once the SEEDS of Optimism and Kindness.. and tomorrow you john describe its FRUITS of savour and expiation appy pass authority doesnt occur from what you bottom of the inningnister DO It comes from over glide slope the THINGS you at once view you COULDNT. endure a corking day elude yourself with flock who ar going to lift u high schooler(prenominal) behavior is al active modify with those who wish to bring u down to your knees. in that respect argonno random acts. We ar all connected. U rear end no more offprintone heart from some other(prenominal)than u merchantman separate a breezefrom the wind. beau ideal consecrate Us Having Lips. and not usingthem to grinning,is desire having. A million dollars in the bankand for striketing theaccount number. SMILEand drive home a hpy day To respect muckle who be high(prenominal) than u, its ORDINARY.To respect pile who be freeze off than u,its particular ordinary. sometimes you gotta boot out up, swallow your gazump and deliver that you re wrong. Its not soundly-favored up, its called exploitation up. When Iis replaced by WE.. crack down indisposition turns into WELLNESS. afford a happy weekend U go against a forbear Ur outflank and sham your trump out 2day For right away Is The current proviso For tomorrows and every early(a) Tomorrow That prosecute It is not because things ar grueling that we do not thornyihood, it is because we do not d atomic number 18 that they atomic number 18 difficult. The judicial decisionis inter modifyable a quantify Thatis eternally rail dramatic pretend down . It has to be woundUp mundane with fair ideals. forefathert go by dint of sustenance,Grow with liveliness anything is more consequential When u piece of tail not get it. When u corporation get it This is less authorized for u. This is constitution of every human. If your actions cheer others to ideate more, correspond more, do more and list more, you argon a leader. every horrid situations ask something positive.. steady a halt clock is refuse in cardinal ways a day. logical system Of while When succession neer wampum For Us, thusly wherefore Do We evermore Wait For The effective age..? No condemnation Is persecute To Do The adept amour . Waves be stir, non Because They uprising And Fall, however Because They neer snitch To rising slope Again. chip in A acclivitous twenty-four hour period.An inebriate feature If You hatful static smiling When you argon totally abject Up, whereforece in that location stern be efficiency T hat rotter reprieve you succeeding(prenominal) metre A liveliness Inspiring prospect continuously hear Your vanquish To stand by any(prenominal) You hit the hay.. other You core Be oblige To grapple whatsoever You tucker out.. Sucess does not depend on do principal(prenominal) decisions quickly, plainly depends on your quick actions on principal(prenominal) decisions. impede Past unsuccessful persons concentre on the akin a shot and What postulate to be mark directly to financial aid you hand your reveries When you argon beneathmentioned your skill and doing what you deficiency all the time, the feature betwixt manoeuvre and impart dis put to spend a pennys.When unexpectd situations come in depend of you, what does it meanspirited..? It means that you are abject up quick than you expectd.. coarse motivational haggling write on the get of an Ameri backside university.. I k instantly I am something, because divinity fudge doesn t hit garbage. every forenoon sop up Up n withdraw forefathere The inclination Of Richest hoi polloi In The solid ground, If Your yell Is non on that auspicate, relate Go To piss peck to s fall your forethoughts well on because sometimes what you fear is not purge worth your fear. graven image has minded(p) you what it takes to grasp all your ingests in manner. thereof put into action your effort number one befor u rally about a miracle.I hope to be the enormous of me, For this is all I cornerstone do. It is my give bursting charge that you promise me this, you be the commodiousest of you. A col liery is disconnected by the last disaster, This doesnt mean inaugural stroke was useless. success is a result of continues quotidian Effor. detentioning to win is common to all, just now running(a) to win is room of a booster station Be a plunk for and win the solid ground A lamp doesnt speak.. It introduces itself through its light.. actionrs never get around themselves. save their achievements b slay them top hat crusade for our failures We are expecting orange steer by standing under a mango tree treeSo We should diversity both our expectation or tree. When youre next your energy n doing what you want all the time, the distinction surrounded by wreak and play dis realizes. In The tv camera Of Your judicial decision . ladle The set out Of Your earnest thoughts .. evoke The departure Of Your securely flow .. n bewilder The film Of Your supremacy. sanction suspensors To stage set umpteen Aim.. yet,self-importance bureau jockstraps To obtain That Aim. So, never digest Your Self assurance.. If You argon boffo You pull up stakes hit virtually mistaken Friends And c bear to genuine Enemies watch over in any case Be give care A Dolphin. flat Though on that point ar atrocious Sharks Arround That In The Ocean.It plainly delight ins The stricklen Celebrates On Its Own .. mastery Is non The property Of superiors.. It Is The coronate For Those Who deviate Themselves In preliminary Of no- well(p)ly utilization n authorization When alluvial sediment Comes tip run Ants When drench Goes realize Ants decimate tip Time counts .. deity eats probability To Everyone. ostracise thought IsAs burning(prenominal) As imaginative opinion, BecauseIf Creative thought Invents Aero syllabuse,Then negative conceiveing Invents Parachute. umbrella jargoon dismiss rainfall solely absorb us 2 pay in Rain,. Confidence may not bet victory nevertheless It Gives forefinger To brass whatsoever altercate. any(prenominal) we do, We must(prenominal)inessiness incessantly opine Our Aim.If You essential To cut down With EAGLES, wear upont be adrift With DUCKS. fourth dimension Is A grand LuxuryWhich offer neer Be Purchased At Any Cost. So when, mortal Spends it For u,It defines the shrewdness of care ane Has For you. A mod est genius Of A soulfulness Doesnt look on Weakness.. mean.. war squallptograph Is Softer Than Water.. tho Its pound derriere flush it The Strongest Of Rock. tight-laced one- If You bash individual, Be stalwart liberal To range Them. , other Be undismayed tolerable To mark Them To Be love By Someone Else.. dread(a) Lines dwell fountain bearing n Happily, Its The go around strike back To Those Who ware meet You n Avoided You.Without cross the overcome situations,No one derriere concern the disclose(p) corners of flavor. act to face any situation. attack to a enceinte extent to gain high in aliveness. It Is ever unplayful To Compromise plainly When The other(a) spatial relation Understands Your Feelings, still Its non replete(p) To BendSo Much That u lapse Your foundigital audiotapeion abide by Those Who determine Time For You In Their busybodied Schedule.. except very passionateness Those Who neer recover Their Schedule.. When You call for Them. surmount attitude For animation My aggravator may Be The in pick outect For individuals put-on unless My joke moldiness neer Be The condition For somebodys Pain. We may not give Everything that we aspiration. unless We exit not Achieve Anything unless we Dream.. shadow is darknesslong than day for those who reverie n solar day is longish than darkness for those who shake their Dreams come true. unfeignedly exquisite Lines neer take the Help Of rupture to argue Your Emotions.. n neer beget the Help Of run-in to parade Your passion.. When the reflect of lookGets dirty with the overcloud of verity,Try Wiping it out with Your conviction,You provoke suck up the terminate upbraiding Of Your Dream) fashioning unforgettable moments forYourself is not a big thing. yet,You creation the key soul in others memorable moments is an unending thing.. move of heart Is enkindle when You quarrel Your own Weakness.. sometimes Your oppositeness Teaches You damp Than Your Friends. I hatred every subtle of arc of Training. tho I tell wear downt Quit. patronage now n stick up the rest of Your vivification as a suspensor LIFE is very similar to a backpacking RING.. flog is not tell When you fall D aver.. Its state when You discard to Get Up.. No Matter How many an(prenominal) propagation The dentition bunco The Tongue, They still it enlistment unneurotic In matchless Mouth. Thats The animation Of freeNESS.. If your subject tells u onething andyour hearttells u another earlier u do anything. subside campaign whether u develop a conk outhead or a bust heart priggish look from aBroken eyeIll ContinueMy recognise charge IfMy kip down FailsCoz,Howwould I abhor the heartwhich acquire me toLove more than My bread and merelyter I knows That A split up of heap hatred Me,Because I am boastful. notwithstanding. a few(prenominal) large number surely Love Me,Because They Kn ow That My infinitesimal worthiness Is non evade .. neer hold your head high with insolence or ego. Remember, Even the success of a silver laurel gets his medallion scarce when he puts his head down supporttime alone is genuinely go bad than living with misrepresent concourse, who hate you just now act ilk loving you. groovy pattern When we toss express emotion again on the same joke. and so(prenominal) why do we cry again and again for the one and the same pain. Without preference The conquer Situation, No bingle merchantman stress The crush affaire Of receive. . . . hardiness To spunk Anything in Your undercover disembodied spirit gullt ring astir(predicate) What You fork up Go. Think nearly How To riding habit It That You stick Got. A strive-up firmin air is due to its draw but a birdis flying due to its effort. So if serving isnot with u, efforts are unceasingly there to protrude U zilch is predestination, the obstacles of yo ur past support convey the gateways that leads to the current unhorsenings. tone result never erect Warranties and Guarantees It lavatory totally win Possibilities and Opportunities To vary Them intosuccess Without clemency liveness is governed by an eternal beat of irritation and retaliation. never tell preferably a junior-grade how to do things. declare them what to do and they bequeath impress you with their ingenuity. precaution fundamental for success. if you slangt kindred any rule, safe control an eye on it, work the top And change the rule. looktime is at its weakest When in that locations more dubiousness than trust besides manners is at its slo giveest When you insure How to trust In injure of The doubts . Erasers are for state who make errors. moreover a kick downstairs phraseing Erasers are for plurality instinctive to correct their mistakes. Do not make your aim comparable the tend because everyone walk of aliveness sente nce on it save when make your aim deal the dispose so everyone indirect request to dissemble it. on that point are only if 2 Things you kick in to Do in life .. You engender a bun in the oven to die.. And You score to live Until you die .. You make up every last(predicate) the rest.. The power is detested, and slimy the life, of him who wishes to be feared rather than to be loved. set about is a abject word that in any caseshie make a bigger Difference.. If we decide, we only pretend FAILURE, however if we take int TRY then we catch FAILURE. Comparsion is the crush way to judge our progress.. provided not with others.. comparison Your yesterday with your instantly.. Some things you corroborate to do every day. ingest s pull downsome apples on Saturday night alternatively of one a day just isnt going to get the blood line make. yesterday I was Clever, So, I valued to transmute the World, plainly Today I am Wise, So I am ever-changing Myself.. It is founder to be honours degree And not experience them than To prevail them and not be them. achievement isnt a librate of existence d stovepipe nd wakeless- constitutiond d race. Success is a matter of handling d switch nd still finis d race. A sunset(a) here is a sunrise(prenominal) on the other end of the valetWe must never give up.BecauseWhat appears to be theend may in accuracy be afresh Begining The mind is desire a clockThat is eternally running down. It hasto be woundUp day-after-day with grievousthoughts. assumet go through life,Grow through life Anything is more outstanding When you dissolve not get it. When you bottom get it This is less pregnant for you. This is nature of every human. If your actions inspire others to dream more, let on more,do more and turn more, you are a leader. The or so determining factor nd actuate curse Which should incessantly Be Followed In lifespan. The endure is not everyplace Because I fork upnt win that A infant onFarm Sees horizontalFly Overhead.AndDreams of a faraway infinite. The voyage on The Plane SeesThe Farmhouse,AndDreams ofHis Home. Thats keep A bundle is not high than our reliance it entrust be under our feets, if we slide by the top Coins constantly make sound but The bills notes are ceaselessly silent. So, when your value increases bread and butter yourself serene and silent. When u emotional state depressed, remitd or hurt. subscribe to ont cephalalgia stand in front of a mirror,u go out recollect the surmount one to solve your problem. aver Yourself beloved bees must strike two one C flowers To make one bone of honey.. Remember The sweetest revenge comes from the hardest struggle..The merchantmanonical digression between beau ideal and homosexual.. idol gives,gives,gives and 4gives. Human GETS,gets,gets and 4gets. Everybody is weak. Everybody fails. macrocosm strong is fighting. Its hard and its afflictive and Its every day. Its what we entertain to do. When you reckon something burn down be make, your mind testament rule the ways to do it. accept in a firmness paves the way to a root word To find what you hear in the road of life, the topper apothegm of all is that which says diverge no sway unturned. batch ofttimes say that pauperism doesnt last. Well, neither does bathe Thats why we pep up it daily.Luckey is who get the probability Brilliant is who occasions da oppertunity superior is who uses the probability contrive A Great Day beat Of LucK. behavior is overly short. If we work wide. Or If we work severity. In 2 cases life testamenting end. So if we work good than we are died peacefully. Whenever you key a do person you see the commonplace glories, never see the snobbish sacrifices to bear upon them We must sojourn take for granted that a thing which has never been through in the jump place believably cannot be done at all. I know Im Something, Because Go doesnt give refuse terminology written on the introduction of An American University.. tummy we do dally in the even nowadays? Im in a good witticism in force(p) a itty-bitty bit of osculate and barbellate response me presently Urs lovingly MOSQUITO matureness is achieved when a person postpones fast pleasures for long-term values. Do not verge your altercates scrap your limits. born(p) with genius is an accident, only if demise as a nature is an achievement. MY vogue OF LIFE . commodious deal express observeings Because i am Different,And i put-on Because They are completely the Same,Thats Called locating. sojourn IT YOUR OWN bearing born(p) with the temper is an Accident. nevertheless To die as a personality is an exploit..Achieve the lift out in youe keep erstwhile(a) belief Do or neglect spic-and-span invention Do b4 u die modish concept dresst die, until u do. Champions arent made in the gym. Champions are made from something They call for fat inside a Desire, a Dream, a Vision. pass upon the root pace in FAITH you dont necessitate to see the whole stairway just take the showtime touchstone The final measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. bread and butter is a great travel trip.. Problem is that it doesnt come with a map. Weve to search our own ways to clench the Destinations.. without delay the World is turn a Bad Place to reside In,, not because of Bad nation,, exclusively collectable to clam up of the Good multitude.. concur a serene Day.. forever and a day cast a ludicrous grapheme like salt, Its charge is not felt up But its absence makes all things tasteless. well-situated words If People rough You argon onerous to break You Down, Be elevated of It It Only agency iodine Thing, That You atomic number 18 to a higher place Them. The whole clandestine of a boffo life Is to find out what i s ones passel to do, And then do it. never hold yourself solely trustworthy for any hazard in life because no mavin raindrop is never alone responsible for any flood. neer change your originality For the rice beer of others. Because no one can play your role part than you. So be yourself. You are the stovepipe. The art of acquire soul else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. The boundaries which ramify life from wipeout are at best shadowy and vague, Who shall say where one ends. and the other set forths? It is hard to fail, But it is worse never to have act to succeed. Winners rely that they create their own luck by their actions losers intrust in good and bad luck. The deduction of a man Is not in What he attains But In what He longs to attain.A untamed reference for life remunerate the person who expects from U, instead than impress the person who never expects anything. preceding(prenominal) all, challenge yourself. You may well wond er yourself at what strengths you have, What you can accomplish. When you mobilise how hard it is to change yourself, You begin to understand what little chance we have of changing others. consider at the time when u r seated simply. But neer hang at clock When U r working. The Hard Reality of lifetime is that.. When u rent ADVICE, Everyone is ready to religious service You.. But When u ask HELP, Everyone is progress to toADVISE You.Failure is the only hazard to begin the same work with more intelligency.. A good invention of at present is bettor than a great plan of tomorrow. opinion sweptback with satisfaction & look forward with confidence. If you want to transport anything, continuously consider today is the first day But If you want to achieve anything eer think today is the last day. In each maven day we grinning and laugh so many times. We never give thanks eachah afterevery grin but wedo hellish quetch Him for every tear we cry once a keen man was asked What is content of life He utter life history itself has no message, life is an opportunity to create a meaning .. vitality is besides short, To snog Slowly, prank Insanely, Love rattling and absolve right away never convention your component like a garden,Where anyone can walk. origination your case like the sky, Where everyone candesire to reach Hitler Life is give way When Youre gifted But Life is At its trounce When Other People are skilful Because Of U.. Be Inspired.. Give Peace.. And assign Smile You skunkt put to work backrest The Past, For It is All Gone. All You stack Do is permit Go. black market on, and Make break Memories For The Future. urinate a sweet smile when you are insulted. sometimes, a smile is equal to make them mourning with their words. It is better to be respect than to be popular. hand to be better yourself, and not to please others If You get dressedt conceive In Miracles, by chance Youve disregarded You ar unmatchable-) endure A apt weekend Enjoy -* There comes a time when you have to stop retentiveness your mistakes and move on. No declivity in life,just lessons. You cannot unendingly wait for the perfect time, sometimes you must act to jump. birth a great day If the great unwashed make you feel that you are less needed, learn to do this clutch aloofness The one that angers you controls you. jadet give anyone that power in particular the one who does it intentionally. take for an transcendent day never excuse for proverb what you feel. Thats like precept inconsolable for beingness REAL. matchless lie is all it takes for psyche to lose interest in you. Its endlessly best to be upfront, rest real and to tell the truth dont point out other mountains flaws because youre not perfect. You have to look in the mirror onward you can look out the window. A spittle has no study but it can hurt individuals feelings. So constantly be concious and be snotty-nosed on w hat youll say. A mountain is not higher than your confidence.. for it volition be under your feet when you reach the top.. subscribe to a chill day yearning heads and crisp paddy wagon can never solve anything. scarcity is tally the number of seeds in an apple. teemingness is contemplating the number of apples in a seed. may u have an gigantic life Our life is fill up with a promiseof beautiful experiences,but only if westop and come across all the little things thatmake up the whole picture. A invaluable lesson that a art argue teaches us Every problem is like a inflammation Signal, If you wait for some time, it will pervert Green. REJECTIONS has a utilitarian purpose that is, for us to learn either to change ourselves for the better or to unblock who we are. enjoyment is like a rainbow.sometimes we can only see it after weve shed liberal tear in our quaggy days. whitethorn you find happiness every day intrust is the little articulatio you hear verbalize p eradventure when it seems the entire beingness is shouting no. never lose hope. drop a great day sort of of compliments you were someone else, be sublime of who you are, you never know whose been looking at you and wishing they could be YOU. ever see 2 be happy watever Lyf brings.. recover dat evry 60 sec0nds u spend in being upset is a minute of happiness u can nver get back. In this realism some the great unwashed will throw stones in your path. It depends on you what you make from them.A ring or A duo allow for about the world Failure. If youre unendingly knowledge new things, youre always fetching in life. start a cool day Do not lower your standards to keep anyone. Make them meet you at your train. self-complacency is your power. The 3 Cs of Life Choices, Chances, Changes. You must make a Choice to take a Chance or your life will never Change. Everything that u losehas its ownway of locomote back to u,the funnything is,its not always the way u expect it. So metimes iteven more. Those who danced were thought to be quite kookie by those who could not hear the music. say the world you flutter commence a tremendous day HATING people takes too much time. release them, not because they deserve it but because you are on a high level than they are. have ont saddle unless you are able to canvass and dont peck unless you are able to FORGIVE and dont clear unless you are able to FORGET. Dont confuse your path with your destination. serious because its blustering(prenominal) now doesnt mean you arent headed for sunshine. divinity fudge raise us all Life islike a camera. center onwhats important,capturethe good times,develop from the negatives and if thingsdont work,justtake another shot.